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Current Covid 19 Policy

CCS Covid-19 Campus Policy

These color codes set standard groups of policies that may be implemented as precautions against COVID-19. The Logic School and Grammar (Elementary) School may be put in different codes as appropriate and per the decision process.

The school facility has been equipped with advanced filtration technology to minimize airborne spread of COVID-19 and that equipment will be run at all times the facility is open.

School events will be conducted in a manner that complies with the current standards in effect.

This policy will be evaluated by the CCS Board of Trustees at its normal monthly board meeting.

Green (Open): Campus wide open; masks optional; parents and visitors are allowed to come without restrictions; all specials and lunch are in classrooms/lunchroom.
Decision Process: Head of School notifies the community of a COVID concern for the school based on public health data and/or school circumstances and notifies the board of reasons and recommendations; Board votes within thirty-six hours.

Yellow (Limited Community Access): Whether a child is required to wear a mask is determined by the decision of the child’s parent or guardian. The parent or guardian’s choice will be enforced by the school administration. Only parents or guardians of current or prospective students may visit the classroom. No more than two visitors to a classroom. Visitors must have had no COVID symptoms in the last five days. Visitors will have their temperature checked and masks are optional. Children eat in the lunchroom. Special classes are conducted in the specials classrooms.
Decision Process: Head of School notifies the community of COVID concern for the school based on public health data and/or school circumstances and notifies the Board of reasons; Board votes within thirty-six hours.

Orange (Class Stays Together): Special classes are conducted in the special classrooms; lunch siloed in regular classrooms; parents not permitted in classrooms; masks required for all students in common areas (carpool, hallways, and chapel); Only parents and guardians of current students are allowed to visit and must be masked and are not admitted inside classrooms. Visitors must have had no COVID symptoms in the last five days. Visitors will have their temperature checked.
Decision Process: Head of School notifies the community of COVID concern for the school based on public health data and/or school circumstances and notifies the Board of reasons; Board votes within thirty-six hours.

Red (Class Stays in Classroom): Classes remain in person with all specials including lunch siloed with a virtual chapel; masks required for all students at all times; no visitors permitted; students not permitted to walk hallway (except Logic School); if a student is sick, then the nurse or Head of School visits the classroom.

Quarantine Policy: Being in a class with someone who tests positive is an exposure. Where the point of exposure occurred in the school setting, students who are asymptomatic may immediately return to class if the parent chooses, but must wear a mask while on school property for five days after exposure.
Where the point of exposure occurs in the school setting, students who are symptomatic must follow the isolation policy indicated below.

Isolation Policy:

  • Any student or faculty member who tests positive for COVID-19 will be required to isolate in accordance with GADPH guidelines.
  • Any student or faculty member who tests positive for COVID-19 will be required to wear a mask for five days after their return from any isolation that is shorter than seven days.